The Special Duties Department was established alongside two other Departments in early 2014 to replace the erstwhile Office of the Director, Office of the Permanent Secretary (OPS). The Department is saddled with the responsibility of coordinating the activities of the Permanent Secretary’s Office amongst others.
The Department is structured into the following three (3) Divisions and one (1) Desk Office in the Federal Ministry of Transportation:
  1. Travel and Protocol;
  2. Stock Verification;
  3. Anti-Corruption and Transparency and;
Special Duties Desk Office.


Travel and protocol division:

The Travel and Protocol Division of the Ministry of Transportation is directly attached to the Special Duties Department. The following are the tasks of the Division:

ii. Procurement and Renewal of Diplomatic/Official/Standard Passports for the HMT, HMST, Permanent Secretary and all other entitled Officers of the Ministry and its Agencies;

iii. Airport Reception/Departure formalities for the HMT, HMST, Permanent Secretary and all other entitled Officers of the Ministry from Overseas and Local official trips;

iv. Hotel reservation/bookings for HMT, HMST, Permanent Secretary and all other entitled Officers of the Ministry for Local/Overseas official trips;

v. Procurement of Visas, Travel Insurance for HMT, HMST, Permanent Secretary and all other entitled Officials of the Ministry and its Agencies.

vi. Serve as an Advance Party to any function organized by the Ministry, ensuring that the venue and sitting arrangements are provided/prepared before the arrival of the HMT, HMST, Permanent Secretary and other Dignitaries;

vii. Airport Reception/Departure formalities to visiting Dignitaries of the Ministry;

viii. Liaising with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassies, OHCSF, State House and Agencies of the Ministry; and

ix. And other matters that may be assigned to the Division from time to time.
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