Press and Public Relations

PRESS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS UNIT The Information, Press and Public Relations Unit liaises with all Departments and Units, establishes and fosters strong positive rapport with Domestic and International Media Organizations and explores all viable channels of communication to publicise the activities, achievements of the Ministry and projects the image of the Ministry in an organized […]
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Rail Transport Services

Rail Transport Services (RTS) is a department in the Federal Ministry of Transportation headed by the Director. DIVISION The department has three divisions namely: 1. Rail transport Services Division; 2. Rail Modernization and Rehabilitation Division; and 3. Rail Planning and Development Division. FUNCTIONS i. Formulates all rail Transport policy for the country; ii. Ensures provision […]
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Road Transport & Mass Transit Administration

The Department is vested with the overall responsibility of policy formulation and administration for road transport and mass transit operation in the country. Structure The Department of RT&MTA has two divisions 1. Road Transport admin; and 2. Mass Transit Admin. Functions i. Formulates, plans and advises on policies for road transport and mass transit administration […]
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Engineering Services

Engineering Department of the Ministry comprises Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Marine Engineers. Functionsi. Vetting of Designs and Specifications for Railway and Marine infrastructures.ii. Ensuring compliance with Standards for Railway and Marine infrastructures.iii. Ensure compliance with standards regarding the Construction and equipment of ships and navigation.iv. Making periodic inspection of any Railway and Marine infrastructure as […]
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Transport Planning & Coordination

The Transport Planning and Coordination (TPC) Department is a Specialized Service Department, which serves as the engine room of the Ministry.  It liaises and coordinates the Departments and Agencies of the Ministry and collaborates with other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on National issues. The Department is the Ministry’s version of the Planning, Research and […]
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Special Duties

The Special Duties Department was established alongside two other Departments in early 2014 to replace the erstwhile Office of the Director, Office of the Permanent Secretary (OPS). The Department is saddled with the responsibility of coordinating the activities of the Permanent Secretary’s Office amongst others. Structure: The Department is structured into the following three (3) […]
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Human Resources Management

The Department is one of the Common Services Departments saddled with the responsibility of general administration and human resources matters in the Ministry. It is also made up of two Divisions -: Appointment, Promotion and Discipline (APD) and Training and Staff Welfare (TSW). FunctionsThe Department has the following mandates:i. Handles of matters relating to Appointment, […]
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Finance and Accounts

The Department retain its two (2) division structure:i. Finance and Accountii. Budget DivisionFUNCTIONSi. Receipts and disbursement of fundsii. Accounitng for revenue and remitting same to appropriate Financial Authoritiesiii. Supervising and maintenence of appropriate books of accounts;iv. Rendition of statutory returns as required by financial Regulations and Treasure Circulars providing of Financial and economic Infoemation to […]
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Reform Coordination & Service Improvement

The Department of Reform Coordination & Service Improvement was one of the departments established by the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) in 2014. It is comprised of two Divisions namely Reform Coordination and SERVICOM each headed by a Deputy Director FunctionsThe functions of the Department are as follows:i. […]
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