The Honourable Minister of Transportation, Senator Said Ahmed Alkali has enjoined lawmakers and the executives to be progressive partners that extend hands of fellowship to the Executive for good governance and effective budget process.

Alkali who is a three-term legislator at national level gave this prescription to members of the Gombe State Legislative Assembly who were having their annual retreat for members, the management and staff of the assembly in Abuja.

The respected Minister of Transportation, Senator Alkali, who hails from Gombe State, was unanimously chosen and invited as Guest of Honour to open the Legislators’ retreat on Tuesday, 19th December, 2023.

The Annual Retreat’s 2023 edition has the theme: “Enhancing Good Governance through Effective Budget Process,” which the Honourable Transportation Minister and Guest of Honour spoke to, declaring the imperative of handshakes across the Legislature and Executive divide if any political entity, especially Gombe State, hopes to foster good governance through budget process. The distinguished senator added that the budget process could define the size of development that can be brought about by the executive.

In his words, “I admonish you to take advantage of this unique opportunity to make the legislature a progressive partner that extends hands of fellowship to the executive arm in ensuring effective budget process for good governance of Gombe State.”

Continuing, the Minister and Guest of Honour stated: “It is my conviction that the choice of the theme of the retreat which is ” Good Governance through Effective Budget Process” will discuss critical issues that will enhance your capacity for quality budget legislation and effective oversight”.

“A careful perusal of the retreat agenda vindicates this expectation, given the diversified topics that will no doubt strengthen legislative capacity for optimal performance”, Alkali added.

According to the Minister, the choice of topics such as Budget Monitoring and Tracking, Operationalization of Financial Autonomy, Bill Process, Scrutiny and Analysis as well as Techniques for Conduct of Oversight, Work Plan Development by Committees and Operations of Committee System will certainly equip the Lawmakers to acquire more skills that will make their constitutional duty easy and result oriented.

The Minister further admonished the Gombe Lawmakers to engage the resource team to share knowledge and experience on different methods of application of rules of legislative practice and procedure.

He expressed gratitude to the State Governor, Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya, for his support towards the actualization of the retreat and appreciated the Honourable Members and Management staff of the House for inviting him as Guest of Honour, which according to him, has afforded him the opportunity to meet with his brothers, charged with the responsibility of making laws for the peace and good governance of Gombe State.

Speaking earlier in his welcome remarks, the Speaker, Gombe State House of Assembly, Honourable Abubakar Mohammed revealed the overall aim of the 2023 Retreat which he said is to deepen the understanding of the Legislators on legislative procedures and effective budget process, by enhancing their skills on modern legislative approaches towards establishing dynamic Legislature – Executive relationships for good governance.

According to the Speaker, developing and strengthening skills, instincts, and abilities is crucial for the development and success of any organization, particularly the Legislature, which is vested with the responsibility of law making, oversight and representation.

Speaker Mohammed added that regular training is the lifeline of effective and vibrant Parliaments all over the world. He attributed the vibrancy of the Gombe State House of Assembly and its effective legislation to the constant training and retraining of its legislators and staff.

In his vote of thanks, the House Leader, Hon. Yerima Ladan Gaule thanked the Executive Governor of Gombe State , H.E Alhaji Inuwa Yahaya, for sponsoring the retreat, and also thanked the Honourable Minister of Transportation, Senator Said Alkali, for honouring the invitation. He seized the opportunity to urge participants to make good use of the retreat presentations.

Olujimi Oyetomi

Director, Press and Public Relations

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