The Minister of Transportation, Engr. Mu’azu Jaji Sambo has inaugurated Nigerian Shippers’ Council Governing Board with the charge to foster an economy that is robust, transparent, accountable and in line with nternational best practices.                 
Sambo who performed the inauguration yesterday in Abuja disclosed that the  Council is vested with “the responsibility of providing a forum for the protection of the interest of shippers on matters affecting the shipment of imports and exports to and from Nigeria  as well as liaising with the appropriate arms of the Government  of the Federation and other Organizations in assessing the stability and adequacy of existing services and make appropriate recommendations.”

The Minister, further, urged the Board members to work in line with the policy direction of the Federal Government while reminding them of their roles of engendering harmonious working relationship with the  Management of the Council.                               
Furthermore, the Minister expressed confidence that the Board would live up to the expectations of the government and called on members to deploy their expertise to promote prudence, transparency, accountability, equity and fairness in the discharge of your responsibilities, while admonishing them to be change agents by adhering to zero tolerance to corruption.

Speaking earlier, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Transportation, Dr. Magdalene Ajani, said: ” you have your roles to support the Nigerian Shippers’ Council, but you are not part of the day to day running of the Council. At some later date, we will be having a retreat where your roles will be clearly spelt out.  We are planning to do it with all our  Boards so that we avoid conflicts. It has become important for me to stress this at every Board inauguration for agencies of the Ministry of Transportation to avoid stress.” 
In his remarks, the Chairman of the newly constituted Board, Lawal Sama’aila Abdullhi thanked the Federal Government for giving them the opportunity to serve, assuring that the Board will deliver on its mandate and support the Management of Nigerian Shippers’ Council to succeed.

Eric Ojiekwe

Director,  Press & PR

August 11, 2022

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